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The Strength Analysis and Stress Test of the Bolt乃ay Based on ANSYSWANG Kai-song.CHEN Kai(School of Mechanical Engineering,Anhui University of Science and Technology,Huainan Anhui 232001,Cna)Abstract:Because of mining at great depth in coal mines,it is necessary to improve sength of support bolt ms-terials.The research was conducted in order to reduce cost of bolt tray and improve its strength by structural de-sign and finite element analysis.In the research,bolt tray material was changed from Q235 to Q345,strength ofbo lt tray with 8ram an d 10mm t1ickness was analyzed separately based on finite element analysis with ANSYS。

The results showed that strength of 8ram tlicknes bolt tray made of matedal Q345 meets the load bearing re-quirements。an d volume of bolt tray with the material chan ged get smaller and the cost less.The results of theexperiment proved verify the finite an alysis correct and accurate。

Key words:bolt tray;ANSYS;strength analysis锚杆托盘支护是煤矿掘进巷道支护中常用的方法之-,由于受顶板围岩类型及其受力状况、锚杆选型与规格及巷道断面等因素的影响,合理设计托盘结构、选用托盘用材料是支护技术的关键所在,对井下的安全起着举足轻重的作用。随着煤矿深部开采的推进,支护材料面临强度升级,锚杆杆体在其直径不变 的情况下材料 由原来 的MG335升级到 MG500。根据 MT146.2-2011《树脂锚杆》标准的规定 J,锚杆托盘的承载力不小于与之配套的杆体屈服力标准值的 1.3倍 ,所以锚杆托盘也面临强度升级的问题。因而,提升现有托盘的 Q235材质为 Q345,其屈服强度有所提高、塑性保持不变。在满足使用要求的前提下,由于强度增加的幅度较大,可以把锚杆托盘的厚度下降。利用ANSYS软件自带的优化分析拈对锚杆托盘进行了优化分析。分析得到在托盘厚度达到8.186 mm时,托盘圆环处最大应力达到材料屈服强度值为345 MPa。保守估计,托盘屈服强度设定为320 MPa时,托盘厚度将达到 8.516 mm。目前国内矿井锚杆托盘最大厚度保持在 12 mm,为此论文将通过分析研究,在满足承载强度的条件下 ,验证厚度降为8 mm的结构的实用性。

1 锚杆托盘模型建立如图 1所示的球形螺母托盘的二维结构,利用Solidworks建立其三维模型如图2所示。


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