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W ear of Gear Shaft ShoulderJIA Guo-hai。GONG Jin-ke ,E Jia-qiang,CAI Hao,W ANG Shu-hui,YU Ming-guo(State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body-Hunan Univ。Changsha,Hunan 410082,China)Abstract:To deal with the problem of the serious fretting wear of a powertrain gear shaft shoulder inworking process,the finite element model of the gear shaft was built with the finite element softwareABAQUS.The required minimum interference was calculated through the calculation of interference fitbetween the gear shaft and the bearing.Simulation results were analyzed to study the effects of the inter-ference fit on the fretting wear of the gear shaft shoulder.By analyzing the effects of the different interfer-ences on the force and deformation of the gear shoulder,the conclusions are as follows:the force betweenthe bearing inner ring and the shaft shoulder increases correspondingly to the increase of the interference,but on the contrary,the relative deformation (i.e.displacement amplitude)between the bearing and theshaft shoulder contact surface decreases correspondingly to the increase of the interference.Therefore,itnot only guarantees that there is no gear shaft material plastic deformation in the stationary state,but alsoenables the gear shaft to have the sufficient contact pressure to transmit the effective torque when the in-收稿 日期 :2012-09-10基金项目:国家863”高技术研究发展计划项目(20O8AAl1Al16);武器装备预研重点项 目资助(9140A2011QT4801);湖南大学汽车车身先进设计制造国家重点实验室自主课题(61075002)作者简介:贾国海(1986-),男,安徽安庆人,湖南大学博士研究生十通讯联系人 ,E-mail:gongjinke###126.tom32 湖南大学学报(自然科学版)terference between the gear shaft and the bearing increases to the appropriate value,which can effectivelyreduce the fretting wear of the gear shaft shoulder。

Key words:gear shaft;fretting wear;interference fit;displacement amplitude;ABAQUS微动磨损是指两固体接触面上因出现周期性振幅相对运动导致损伤 的-种磨损方式 ,是 由环境振动或受交变载荷作用而引起构件材料磨损的现象1 ].微动磨损普遍存在于各种机械装备的运行中,是关键零部件失效的重要原因之-,微动常使材料疲劳极限降低 20 ~50 [3 ]。

当机械零部件采用过盈配合连接时,常常因为配合体之间弹性变形量的差异,造成接触面局部区域出现微小幅度的相对往复运动 ,从而产生微动损伤5 ].影响微动损伤主要因素包括接触压力、接触面的相对变形量(即位移幅值)和微动滑移幅值等,但这些参数在试验中比较难以测量,为了克服以上不足 ,有限元法被越来越多地用于微动损伤的相关研究中 ].杨广雪等用有限元软件 ABAQUS建立了套管和轴的装配模型,通过改变轴与轴套的关键参数来研究轴套的接触压力、摩擦剪切力和微动滑移区域的变化情况口 ].Truman等建立了轴与轴套的有限元模型,分析了过盈配合下的微动损伤情况l .而齿轮轴轴肩微动磨损的研究很少见诸报道。


1 研究对象描述齿轮轴作为传递动力的最主要的机构之-,主要承受来自齿轮轴齿轮端的交变载荷来传递动力。


由于微动磨损发生在干燥环境中,因此,对微动磨损起主要作用的是粘着磨损、磨粒磨损和疲劳磨损.疲劳主要是因为轴承和轴肩所受的力为方向不变、大小周期性改变的交变载荷,且随着表面间的往复作用,会产生表面疲劳裂纹加剧磨损.微动磨损会引起材料损失、表面形貌变化 、表面或亚表面塑性变形或出现裂纹等现象。

1-齿轮轴,2-轴端螺母,3-滚子轴承,4-微动磨损部位图 1 齿轮轴模型结构示意 图Fig.1 Schematic diagram of gear shaft model2 齿轮轴过盈配合计算分析当齿轮轴与轴承过盈配合时,会在配合表面产生正压力,使轴承的内外径扩张,齿轮轴的内外径压缩.齿轮轴与轴承的配合可以简化为两个厚壁圆柱套筒的过盈配合.齿轮轴与轴承间过盈量的大小,不仅与配合面的传动能力密切相关,而

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