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Truncated Hexahedron Deformable Rolling M echanismHAO Yanling MIAO Zhihuai XIE Jilong YAO Yanan(School of Mechanical,Electronic and Control Engineering,Beijing Jiaotong University,Beijing 1 00044)Abstract:A novel deformable rolling mechanism with the geometric configuration of the truncated hexahedron is proposed.Theroling mechanism included sixteen links and twenty revolute joints is a spatial closed·chain linkage.A new design method chosenthe regular trian gle linkage as the basic construction unit is adopted to design the roiling mechanism.The rolling mechanism has thedeformable and rolling capabilities,an d its turning motion is controlled by using its singularity position.The screw theory is used tocalculate the degree-of-freedom of the configuration.By applying the 3D model and dynamic simulation model built by Solidworksand AD AMS respectively,tw o deform ation manners,stationary deformation and movement deform ation,are an alyzed.Themaximum deform able compression ratio is obtained and the feasibility of its deformation and turning motion is proved.The tumblingcondition is discussed and critical value is calculated by the kinematics and stability analysis.A prototype is fabricated to testify thetw o deform ation manners and roling capability,and achieve the expect results.Furtherm ore,the polyhedron roling mechanism has atligh structural stifness.easytoincreasethe carying capacityofthe robot。

Key words:Polyhedron Shape shifting Rolling mechan ism Screw theory0 前言在各类移动机构中,滚动是-种高效的移动方式Ll j。球形机器人 的外形为完全对称的几何球体,易于实现原地任意转向,运动灵活。而且,由于外形对称,无失稳翻倒问题。然而,与履带式、腿式等移动机构相比,球形机器人的越障能力相对欠缺。

HAMLIN 等 。 设计出具有四面体和八面体几国家自然科学基金(51175030)和中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金(2011JBM277)资助项目。20120614收到初稿,20130416收到修改稿何特征的-类变几何桁架机构,并进-步研制出可以实现步行的多面体机器人。CLARK等 提出-类采取类似滚动方式的移动机器人,其几何外形为四面体或由四面体扩展得到的多面体。球形机器人与地面是点接触,而多面体机器人与地面为面接触,更易于实现稳定控制;球形机器人不可变形,而多面体机器人具有外形变化的能力,更易于通过复杂地形及障碍。SEBENS等 研究了具有多智能体系统的四面体机器人,其在到达指定目的地过程中,可实现 自主移动和机动越障。CURTIS等 在前期多面体机器人的研究基础之上,研制了三代多面体

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