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Investigation into the M echanism of Type of Rail Corrugation of M etroLI Wei DU Xing WANG Hengyu 、7 Lei LI Xia WEN Zefeng JIN Xuesong(Traction Power State Key Laboratory,Southwest Jiaotong University,Chengdu 6 1 003 1)Abstract:An investigation into the corrugation mechanism of rails in both tan gent and curved tracks of a metro with Cologn efasteners is carried out through a detailed observation,an extensive measement at sites and a numerical analysis.The railcorrugation presents the three diferent wavelengths which are respectively 20 nln1.40 ITln to 50 InlTl and 200 nnT1.111e uneven wearof 40 InlTl to 50 nlln is dominant in the corrugation development.In the investigation,first,a relationship between the characteristicsof the rail corrugation and the track structure iS analyzed based on the field measured data of the rail corrugation and the modal testof the track by using hammer knocking.Then a three-dimensional numerical model for the track is established by using finiteelement code ABAQUS to further verify such the relationship.The results are obtained by the num erical method coincide with thoseof the field tests.Thr0ugh extensive field experiments and detailed theoretical an alysis.the mechanism of the corrugation iSunderstood basically an d the resonance of the metro track mainly plays an important role in the rail corugation generation.Thenumerical model is also used to analyze the efect of the stifiness and da mping of the fasteners on the track resonances an d thestifness and damping ofthe Cologn e fasteners have a great influence on the rail corrugation。

Keywords:Railcorrugation Slabtrack Fastener Stifnessanddamping ccharacteristic Finiteelementmethod0 前言许多城市地铁线路出现了的钢轨波浪形磨耗现象,这不仅会导致车辆轨道结构振动加剧、钢轨扣件损伤严重和车辆运行噪声增大,而

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