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  • 发布时间:2014-03-26


文章利用HyperWorks中的OptiStruct模块对某型号高速卧式加工中心主轴箱进行结构拓扑优化设计。通过引入待优化模型的邻接零件,用零件接触代替刚性约束,使得边界条件更加逼近实际情况;通过确定各个分方向上的切削力上界保证载荷施加的全面性和可靠性;应用叠加原理解决机床产品结构优化设计中的载荷种类无穷多问题。有限元分析结果表明:基于OptiStruct拓扑优化的新设计模型静力学性能和动力学性能都能很好地满足预定要求。 In this paper,spindle box of a certain type of high-speed horizontal machining center is optimized in the OptiStruct module of HyperWorks.By importing the adjacent part of the model to be optimized and replacing rigid constraint with contact of parts,the boundary condition approximate more to the real situation;The confirmation of the upper bound of machining force of each dimension guarantees the comprehensiveness and reliability of load assigning;superposition principle is applied to solve the problem of the infinity of load types in the structure optimization of machining tool products.The results of the finite-element analysis suggest that the performance in both statics and dynamics of the new model based on the optimization in OptiStruct can meet the predetermined demands very well.

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