
地方特色茶具设计 毕业设计论文(说明书)

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  • 发布时间:2013-03-30




Local Characteristic Tea Set Design
As the owner and user product, and the emotional exchange products to enhance their products to have desires, so must be in practical while note shape innovation, and tea service as essential to life practical product also should reflect the function, thus increase interest in life in human products design is very necessary and important factors. This article mainly aims at Baotou tourism spots features and elements and combining the Baotou tourism culture, mainly based on the "Five Hundred LuoHanTang" architectural appearance and "Mosque" landmark building, and the external characteristics such as the mix of Daqingshan tour elements in Baotou pictographic significance, tea is analyzed emphatically the design of humanization, personalized design technique of expression in the design of tea set in and methods, structure, material and cultural elements, and expounds the embodiment of the use of certain principle and procedures method. Baotou tourism product market is a detailed investigation, tea as the carrier of aesthetic idea contained stylist, when one of their own value really get reflect, will make our life more colorful. Humanity, personalized design as a logical powerful design language and creative ways, will in future supplies design field get more extensive application.
Key words: tea; the tourism product; personalization; humanization

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